I was in a

I was in a store in Halifax, Nova Scotia that I love, sort of like an environmental friendly sort of store. But they had a great book section. So I went in there all the time. The woman who worked there – which I feel so bad; I’ve forgotten her name – she handed me … Read more

Now that I\\’m almost

Now that I’m almost forty, I look back at some of the decisions I made when I was younger – decisions that I thought of as courageous, or generous, or otherwise befitting a writer; befitting someone who had taken it as their life’s goal to understand the human condition – and I wish I could … Read more

I spend a lot

I spend a lot of time going over old conversation summaries. A lot of the old ones are about ideas that ended in failure, the project didn’t work. But hey, you know what? That was five years ago, and now computers are faster, or some new information has come along, the world is different. So … Read more

You know, I really

You know, I really think that when God puts together families, he sticks his finger into the white pages and selects a group of people at random and then says to them all, ‘Hey! You’re going to spend the next seventy years together, even though you have nothing in common and don’t even like each … Read more