The conflict will always

The conflict will always beyond ur strength.The enemy always pushes us beyond our personal, inbred, preset limits concerning how far we’ll go for God:\”Here’s how far I’m going to love,this is how many times I’ll turn the other cheek.\”The test kills the limits of our humanity,til we’re like Christ in everything We’re left with a … Read more

I was terrified when

I was terrified when my doctor told me that I had a unique and interesting personality trait, but then he told me about new Zoloft or Prozac and now I just take three pills a day and I blend right into this horrible inbred corporate landscape. Doug Stanhope

Great soul of Gandhi,

Great soul of Gandhi, cover your ears. You will not want to hear this! Listen, you inbred piece of Ku Klux Krap! You white people love to be racist, but the only races you can tell apart are Indianapolis and Daytona. I hope I am reincarnated as toothpaste, so I never have to see you … Read more