We were young. We

We were young. We were 23. I was a kid, growing up, that would burn and fry. I didn’t understand why. We did all this study and research and learned so much about skin cells and rejuvenation and how the body works and (how) everybody is different. (We) learned what doctors do for treatment of … Read more

I think we can

I think we can provide better stories through providing mentors, and certainly part of my story is providing mentors to kids growing up without dads. I think positive male role models go a long way in terms of rescuing kids from a life of trouble.I think positive male role models go a long way in … Read more

One of my pleasantest

One of my pleasantest memories as a kid growing up in New Orleans was how a bunch of us kids, playing, would suddenly hear sounds. It was like a phenomenon, like the Aurora Borealis — maybe. The sounds of men playing would be so clear, but we wouldn’t be sure where they were coming from. … Read more