When I watch the

When I watch the show [Westworld], it leaves me looking at the world around me in a new way. It really stays with you. And it’s one of those things that you have to figure out. You’re going to get little clues along the way, and every time you think you know what’s up, we’re … Read more

Celia, wait,” Marco says,

Celia, wait,” Marco says, standing but not moving closer to her. “You are breaking my heart. You told me once that I reminded you of your father. That you never wanted to suffer the way your mother did for him, but you are doing exactly that to me. You keep leaving me. You leave me … Read more

People unfit for freedom

People unfit for freedom – who cannot do much with it – are hungry for power. The desire for freedom is an attribute of a have type of self. It says: leave me alone and I shall grow, learn, and realize my capacities. The desire for power is basically an attribute of a have not … Read more