Vague promises of savings

Vague promises of savings from cutting waste, enhancing prevention and wellness, installing electronic medical records and improving quality are merely ‘lipstick’ cost control, more for show and public relations than for true change… Savings will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, “as an imperative to do … Read more

When I am in

When I am in a relationship, I don’t wear lipstick at all. I hate the smearing, the retouching, the constant throb of phoniness as you surreptitiously check the damage in your compact between kisses. I wear lots of mascara to compensate, different colors so I don’t get bored. When I am about to break up … Read more

At the beginning of

At the beginning of a long-running play, everyone’s nervous and paces around in a panic and reapplies lipstick. After a while, you’ll get long-running card games or word games like Boggle. Elizabeth McGovern