I was brought up

I was brought up with a lot of love in my family, and I’ve always been supported. My family has always protected me in a sort of manic way. Erik Hassle

I haven\’t felt the

I haven’t felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things. For example, when we’re backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowds begins, it doesn’t affect me the way … Read more

I contemplate the idea

I contemplate the idea that maybe I’m an alcoholic. I get this occassionally, the need to define myself as something-or-the-other, and at various times in my life have wondered if I’m a Goth, a homosexul, a Jew, a Catholic or a manic depressive, whether I am adopted, or have a hole in my heart, or … Read more