When we started, I

When we started, I was delivering meals to people in Atlanta. We were a direct-care organization. And it was – people needed meals, they needed transport, they needed medication, they needed buddy systems. They had a death sentence. There was AZT, and that was just prolonging the agony, basically. Now people, of course, if they … Read more

Don\\’t bother Me with

Don’t bother Me with promises. Vows are cheaply manufactured, come with no guarantees. Don’t bother to say you love me. The word is indefinable. Joy to some, heartbreak to others, depending on circumstance. There is evidence that the emotion can make a person live longer, evidence it can kill you early. I think it’s akin … Read more

Сertainly there are people

Сertainly there are people for whom anti-depression medication has allowed them to use difficulty to wake up, and I don’t deny that at all, but as usual with us human beings, we’ve overdone it. We are self-medicating ourselves away from the great awakening moments, and losing our coping skills and losing wake-up calls. Elizabeth Lesser