When we paint, whether

When we paint, whether it is on our bodies for ceremony or on bark or canvas for the market, we’re not just painting for fun or profit, we’re painting as we always have done to demonstrate our continuing link with our country and the rights and responsibilities we have to it. Galarrwuy Yunupingu

One of the cardinal

One of the cardinal sins in our country is profanity — the taking of the name of the Lord in vain. Reverence for the name of Deity is enjoined in holy writ. Jesus made this clear when teaching His disciples to pray. He said, addressing the Father, Hallowed be thy name: (see Matthew 6:9). Blaspheming … Read more

To their duty to

To their duty to God, youth should realize their duty to our country. They should love and honor the Constitution of the United States, the basic concepts and principles upon which this nation has been established. Yes, they need to develop a love for our free institutions. Ezra Taft Benson

If America is destroyed,

If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers – normally good Americans, but Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free, Americans who have been lulled away into a false … Read more

We welcome private investment,

We welcome private investment, but any company or national firm will be a partner of a venture where the result will go mainly to the Bolivian people. Of course, any investor is entitled to recover their investment and take profits. But be assured that these new functions with our partners will also be reinvested in … Read more