To exist is to

To exist is to defy all that threatens you. To be a rebel is not to accumulate a library of subversive books or to dream of fantastic conspiracies or of taking to the hills. It is to make yourself your own law. To find in yourself what counts. To make sure that you’re never “cured” … Read more

I was pillaging a

I was pillaging a lot of music that had nothing to do with guitar playing, using a lot of strange tunings and voicings and chord structures that aren’t really that natural to the guitar; I ended up developing a harmonic palette that’s not particularly natural to the guitar because I was always trying to make … Read more

Whether it is spelled

Whether it is spelled Bain and being put out by the Obama campaign or Bane and being out by Hollywood, the narratives are similar: a highly intelligent villain with offshore interests and a past both are seeking to cover up who had a powerful father and is set on pillaging society. Chris Lehane

Then you’re aping him.

Then you’re aping him. Valentine was one of the most arrogant and disrespectful men I’ve ever met. I suppose he brought you up to be just like him. Yes, Jace said, unable to help himself, I was trained to be an evil mastermind from a young age. Pulling the wings off flies, poisoning the earth’s … Read more