The principle of my

The principle of my political life … is that all amelioration and improvements in political institutions can be obtained by persevering in a perfectly peaceable and legal course, and cannot be obtained by forcible means, or if they could be got by forcible means, such means create more evils than they cure, and leave the … Read more

Unlike national markets, which

Unlike national markets, which tend to be supported by domestic regulatory and political institutions, global markets are only ‘weakly embedded’. There is no global lender of last resort, no global safety net, and of course, no global democracy. In other words, global markets suffer from weak governance, and are therefore prone to instability, inefficiency, and … Read more

Pakistans future viability, stability

Pakistans future viability, stability and security lie in empowering its people and building political institutions. My goal is to prove that the fundamental battle for the hearts and minds of a generation can be accomplished only under democracy. Benazir Bhutto