As a professional photographer

As a professional photographer I take photographs for other people to see – but I want them to see what I see. So I never assume that only a few people will appreciate what I do. At all times, the public should be able to understand what I’ve done, even if they don’t understand how … Read more

The difference between an

The difference between an amateur and a professional photographer is that the amateur thinks the camera does the work. And they treat the camera with a certain amount of reverence. It is all about the kind of lens you choose, the kind of film stock you useā€¦ exactly the sort of perfection of the camera. … Read more

You don’t take a

You don’t take a photograph, you make it. Ansel Adams

When words become unclear,

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. Ansel Adams