For me, so much

For me, so much of my life has been this attempt to find my way back into my body. I tried various forms, from promiscuity, to eating disorders, to performance art. And I think it wasn’t until I got cancer, where I was suddenly being pricked and ported and chemoed and operated on, that I … Read more

Let me be very

Let me be very blunt: the heterosexual transmission of AIDS is, in Africa, a function of truly pathological promiscuity. So this is really a violence issue – not the same violence we deal with in Boston, where teenagers stab and shoot each other, but the violence of African men who are killing themselves, and killing … Read more

Thank God I\’m over

Thank God I’m over the hill. The only heat I have left comes from hot flashes, my promiscuity is confined to the words \”one size fits all,\” and I buy my white cotton unmentionables at Boadicea’s Retreat, not Victoria’s Secret. None of the things men do to women could possibly happen to me now unless … Read more