A lot of people

A lot of people get to the point in their careers where blurbs are ghostwritten for them, because they’re like, \”I want to support this person, it’s good for my career,\” and so they get someone at the publishing house to do it, or they copy something from the press release. People write their own … Read more

I’d written my first

I’d written my first novel for adults, which was called Basic Eight and was set in a high school, and we were having a devil of a time selling it. It ended up in the hands of an editor of a children’s publishing house, for which it was entirely inappropriate. She said, Well, we can’t … Read more

Don’t wait for success,

Don’t wait for success, but for the respect and interest of those who read you. At the start it could be a classmate, someone who shares your interests. Before sending off the manuscript for a novel to a publishing house, it would be a good idea to try writing short stories, and publishing them in … Read more

All major publishing houses

All major publishing houses have these big fat biographies sitting there, waiting for people to die. All you have to do is slap on the end and put in on the market. It’s that kind of commoditization and completion of your life before you die – and this kind of imposition of a public idea … Read more

Corporations that are turning

Corporations that are turning over these huge profits can own everything: the media, the universities, the mines, the weapons industry, insurance hospitals, drug companies, non-governmental organisations. They can buy judges, journalists, politicians, publishing houses, television stations, bookshops and even activists. This kind of monopoly, this cross-ownership of businesses, has to stop. Arundhati Roy