The rawness and the

The rawness and the richness of music on vinyl almost went away, but it still seems to be on a lot of people’s radar, and for good reason. It does something different than more accessible means of music playing, like MP3 players and downloads and whatnot. You get in front of these archaic contraptions that … Read more

There is something about

There is something about the light, the heat (physical and perhaps metaphysical), the vibrancy of street life, and the rawness and disjointedness of much of the tropical world that has moved and disturbed me – in places where the indigenous culture is often transformed by an external northern culture (sometimes my own… I suspect that … Read more

It was really always

It was really always about bringing back [James] Baldwin’s words in all their rawness, in all their impact – in the way he analyzes not only this country but also the history of this country, the images that this country is fabricating through Hollywood, and what consequence that has in our imagination. Raoul Peck