I don\\’t know anything

I don’t know anything about music. In my line you don’t have to. Elvis Presley

For most Northerners, Texas

For most Northerners, Texas is the home of real men. The cowboys, the rednecks, the outspoken self-made right-wing millionaires strike us as either the best or worst examples of American manliness…. The ideal is not an illusion nor is it contemptible, no matter what damage it may have done. Many people who scorn it in … Read more

Thomas Sowell is America\’s

Thomas Sowell is America’s foremost public intellectual and for good reason. His work covers almost every subject imaginable- race, economics, Marxism, ethnic groups, immigration patterns, just to name a few. He is persuasive and provocative and always scintillating. I’ve read all his books and never been even faintly disappointed. Black Rednecks & White Liberals is … Read more

The Republican base is

The Republican base is now made up of religious and neoconservative ideologues, and the uneducated white underclass with a token person of color or two up front on TV to obscure the all-white, all reactionary all backward — there-is-no-global-warming — rube reality. Actual conservatives, let alone the educated classes, have long since fled. Frank Schaeffer