International war is the

International war is the sum total of millions of individual wars, raging in the minds of the people, between what is selfish and what is selfless. To the extent that you and I develop selflessness in our own hearts, to that extent we contribute to peace in our family, community, country, and world. Eknath Easwaran

Ah, how little you

Ah, how little you know of human happiness – you comfortable and benevolent people! For happiness and unhappiness are brother and sister – or even twins who grow up together – or in your case – remain small together! Friedrich Nietzsche

If we make sacrifices

If we make sacrifices in doing good or in doing ill, it does not alter the ultimate value of our actions; even if we stake our life in the cause, as martyrs do for the sake of our church : it is a sacrifice to our longing for power, or for the purpose of conserving … Read more

To regard states of

To regard states of distress in general as an objection, as something which must be abolished is the greatest nonsense on earth; having the most disastrous consequences, fatally stupid- almost as stupid as a wish to abolish bad weather – out of pity for the poor. Friedrich Nietzsche