If we keep a

If we keep a goal firmly in mind, we will know when we have reached it. This gives us a sense of accomplishment and the challenge of establishing fresh, new goals – always keeping the long-range objective in mind. If we can state our goals clearly, we will gain a purpose and meaning in all … Read more

There’s a strange sense

There’s a strange sense of accomplishment in making an independent film. Everything’s against you; there’s no time, and even less money – you bring a bottle of glue, chip in twenty bucks, and hope you all make it through the day. If you manage to finish it and it actually turns out to be pretty … Read more

Sanctified ignorance is the

Sanctified ignorance is the belief that if we love God and have committed our lives to Him, everything will work out…Sanctified ignorance is no excuse for a life out of alignment, lacking joy, fulfillment, and a clear sense of accomplishment…Look at how God has uniquely gifted you in your skills and abilities, personality traits, and … Read more

But countless studies have

But countless studies have shown that a cue and a reward, on their own, aren’t enough for a new habit to last. Only when your brain starts expecting the reward–craving the endorphins or sense of accomplishment–will it become automatic to lace up your jogging shoes each morning. The cue, in addition to triggering a routine, … Read more