Internet exchanges and internet

Internet exchanges and internet service providers – international fiber optic landing points – these are the key tools that governments go after in order to enable their programs of mass surveillance. If they want to be able to watch the entire population of a country instead of a single individual, you have to go after … Read more

If even one country,

If even one country, an Iceland for example, defects from this global legislative bargain and says no, we’re not going to enforcement mass surveillance here. We’re not going to do that. That’s where all of the data centres, all the service providers in the world will relocate to. And I think that gives us a … Read more

The internet exchange is

The internet exchange is sort of the core points where all of the international cables come together, where all of the internet service providers come together, and they trade lines with each other. These are priority one targets for any sort of espionage agency, because they provide access to so many people’s communications. Edward Snowden