What is an I,

What is an “I”, and why are such things found (at least so far) only in association with, as poet Russell Edson once wonderfully phrased it, “teetering bulbs of dread and dream” – that is, only in association with certain kinds of gooey lumps encased in hard protective shells mounted atop mobile pedestals that roam … Read more

Judge not man by

Judge not man by his outward manifestation of faith; for some there are who tremblingly reach out shaking hands to the guidance of faith; others who stoutly venture in the dark their human confidence, their leader, which they mistake for faith; some whose hope totters upon crutches; others who stalk into futurity upon stilts. The … Read more

“Do you know” the

“Do you know,” the Devil confided, “not even the best mathematicians on other planets – all far ahead of yours – have solved it? Why, there is a chap on Saturn – he looks something like a mushroom on stilts – who solves partial differential equations mentally; and even he’s given up.” Arthur Porges