My grandmother lived in

My grandmother lived in a universe filled with life. It was impossible for her to conceive of any creature – even the smallest insect, let alone a human being – as insignificant. In every leaf, flower, animal, and star she saw an expression of a compassionate universe, whose laws were not competition and survival of … Read more

The plodding thrift and

The plodding thrift and scrupulous integrity and long-winded patient industry of our business men of the last century are out of fashion in these \”giddy-paced\” times, and England is forgetting that those who make haste to be rich can hardly avoid much temptation and some sin. Fanny Kemble

The system is not

The system is not intended as a substitute for private savings, pension plans, and insurance protection. It is, rather, intended as the foundation upon which these other forms of protection can be soundly built. Thus, the individual’s own work, his planning and his thrift will bring him a higher standard of living upon his retirement, … Read more