And so today, the

And so today, the undermining of the home and family is on the increase, with the devil anxiously working to displace the father as the head of the home and create rebellion among the children. [Isaiah] describes the condition when [he] states, As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. … Read more

Resolved, That we especially

Resolved, That we especially protest against this present attempt to force all the people to follow the religious dictates of a part of the people, as establishing a precedent for the entrance of a most dangerous complicity between Church and State, thereby subtly undermining the foundation of liberty, so carefully laid by the wisdom of … Read more

In fact, the new

In fact, the new malleability of the image may eventually lead to a profound undermining of photography’s status as an inherently truthful pictorial form… If even a minimal confidence in photography does not survive, it is questionable whether many pictures will have meaning anymore, not only as symbols but as evidence. Fred Ritchin

The messengers of Jesus

The messengers of Jesus will be hated to the end of time. They will be blamed for all the division which rend cities and homes. Jesus and his disciples will be condemned on all sides for undermining family life, and for leading the nation astray; they will be called crazy fanatics and disturbers of the … Read more

Trump’s rhetoric is undermining

Trump’s rhetoric is undermining America’s credibility, undermining America’s leadership and strength in Europe, even without him being president. The rhetoric itself is very damaging. Obviously, if you were to try to implement any of that rhetoric as president, it would be catastrophic for America’s interests. Derek Chollet