Barefooted workers would take

Barefooted workers would take apart, bit by bit, the dying ships with their bare hands, shipyard in Gaddani, Pakistan. On their shoulders, workers bore great metal plates to their destination. People complain about their crappy lives working in an air conditioned work place, imagine having this as your only option in life. G.M.B. Akash

What a denial of

What a denial of our humanity that at the centers of power, where decisions are made, there is no room for nurturing, for love, and children. There is more to life than the ‘inhuman’ work place. It is terrible that many men do not know that: it is a tragedy if women follow them. Dora … Read more

Choose a career you

Choose a career you love and you will never have to go to work. Denis Waitley

Choose a job you

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius