Too many countries that

Too many countries that do not play by the free trade rules of the World Trade Organization – including, notably mercantilist China and monopolist Saudi Arabia – have been allowed in, to the detriment of both the WTO and the liberal trading environment it is supposed to sponsor. Frank Gaffney

Well, the sugar guys

Well, the sugar guys have been dealing with NAFTA ever since it passed. Now we’ve got Mexico dumping sugar that’s subsidized by the Mexican government into our market in violation of the World Trade Organization, because NAFTA gave them open access to our sugar market. They claim they’re not subsidized, but the government owns half … Read more

The World Trade Organization,

The World Trade Organization, The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund and other financial institutions virtually write economic policy and parliamentary legislation. With a deadly combination of arrogance and ruthlessness, they take their sledgehammers to fragile, interdependent, historically complex societies and devastate them, all under the fluttering banner of ‘reform’. Arundhati Roy