People are piling into

People are piling into England, there’s lots of studio films happening there. When we budget our films we multiply it by 1.55 it’s much easier than when we multiply it by 2 so the cost looks a lot less in dollars, because everybody talks in dollars in terms of finance. And then the shift that … Read more

The problem with love

The problem with love and God, the two of them, is how to say anything about them that doesn’t annihilate them instantly with the wrong words, with untruth. . . . In this sense, love and God are equivalents. We feel both, but because we cannot speak clearly about them, we end up–wordless, inarticulate—by denying … Read more

Well, that’s certainly… adequate,

Well, that’s certainly… adequate, I told him, burying my face in his chest. I knew immediately I’d picked the wrong word. Adequate? He took my hand, placed it on the part in question. It immediately began to stir. He moved my hand on it, and I obligingly circled it with my fingers. This is adequate? … Read more