Dan Brister’s book bears

Dan Brister’s book bears witness to the last fifteen years of this bureaucratic madness to tame the last vestige of wild America and domesticate the earth. Leading the resistance is the Buffalo Field Campaign, a brave, dedicated group of activists. This hardy tribe lives out in the cold winters of Yellowstone, risking their freedom and … Read more

You can hike into

You can hike into the Yellowstone backcountry. You can camp in the Yellowstone backcountry. You can take food into the Yellowstone backcountry, and you’re surrounded by grizzly bears. And it’s – it’s a very, very thrilling, peculiar situation. Every sound that you hear in the night, you wonder is this a grizzly bear coming to … Read more

There was a very

There was a very important superintendent of Yellowstone, a man who was involved in the founding of the National Park Service itself, Horace Albright. And he became superintendent, which is the boss of Yellowstone Park, in 1919 – from 1919 to 1929. Later, he was director of the park service itself. Albright embraced the idea … Read more

And so in 1975,

And so in 1975, the grizzly bear was put on, as I said – on the endangered species list as threatened. And new measures were taken, for instance, bear-proofing garbage, creating new regulations to – essentially to try and keep people and people’s food away from the bears, let the bears adjust to eating the … Read more

But private lands development

But private lands development around the periphery of the parks – Grand Teton and Yellowstone – is a crucial issue because if those private lands are transformed from open pastures, meadow, forest land to suburbs, to little ranchettes, to shopping malls, to roads, to Starbucks – if those places are all settled for the benefit … Read more

This is an especially

This is an especially good time for you vacationers who plan to fly, because the Reagan administration, as part of the same policy under which it recently sold Yellowstone National Park to Wayne Newton, has deregulated the airline industry. What this means for you, the consumer, is that the airlines are no longer required to … Read more