Signal smokes, war drums,

Signal smokes, war drums, feathered bonnets against the western sky. New messiahs, young leaders are ready to hurl the finest light cavalry in the world against Fort Stark. In the Kiowa village, the beat of drums echoes in the pulsebeat of the young braves. Fighters under a common banner, old quarrels forgotten, Comanche rides with … Read more

Navigators have had a

Navigators have had a huge impact in my life; I gave my life to Christ in college and the witness of The Navigators and their dynamic materials have provided a great foundation for my Christian life. As the founder of FOCUS, The Navigator staff has been a great resource to me and to my staff … Read more

You have to work

You have to work and think about how we can make this world a better place for all. This is what I’d really like to ask our young leaders. We will try as leaders of today to minimise the problems which we will hand over to you. But it is to you. You have to … Read more