Care work produces public

Care work produces public goods, and should be supported in families by policies such as paid parental leave and caregiver tax credits, and by investments in good training and wages for caregiving, including early childhood education, in the market. Riane Eisler

Nonviolent Communication is a

Nonviolent Communication is a powerful tool for peace and partnership. It shows us how to listen empathically and also communicate our authentic feelings and needs. Marshall Rosenberg has a genius for developing and teaching practical skills urgently needed for a less violent, more caring world. Riane Eisler

It is not coincidental

It is not coincidental that for so-called religious fundamentalists – whether they are Western or Eastern, Muslim or Christian – rigid male dominance and holy wars are priorities. Or that competing sects of the same religion, such as Sunni and Shia, are at each other’s throats. In these cultures, women are rigidly controlled by men. … Read more

The bad news is

The bad news is that the movement toward the partnership side of the social scale (and it is always a matter of degree, as no society is a pure partnership or domination system) has been fiercely resisted and countered by periodic regressions. So domination systems have rebuilt themselves in different forms – be they secular … Read more