The food stamp program

The food stamp program is the largest piece of the Farm Bill, it’s a massive amount of money, but not only has it been good for families that need it, but it’s been fantastic for local economies. Andrew Zimmern

I think our former

I think our former first lady said it last month in one of her first speeches since leaving the White House, I think I’m getting the quote nearly right- Who could possibly be against feeding children wholesome, good food? Well, it turns out there are people who are against feeding children wholesome good food and … Read more

I know what it’s

I know what it’s like to be hungry. I know what it’s like to be homeless. I know what it’s like to have to choose between breaking the law and feeding yourself. I know what it’s like to take meals at shelters and at Salvation Army facilities. I know what it’s like to beg for … Read more

I love wine, I

I love wine, I love wine reps, I love everything about the drinking world. In fact, as a recovering alcoholic, I adore the drinking world. I can’t participate in it any longer and the only thing I don’t like are people who don’t listen to the words that are coming out of someone else’s mouth. … Read more

You never know when

You never know when the next person to shake your hand at an autograph session, or the next guy you bump into on line at the pizza parlor, that could be your best friend for the rest of your life. Or it could be the person that two years later pushes you out of the … Read more