What is Camille Paglia

What is Camille Paglia doing, writing that an actress as gifted as Anne Heche has the mental depth of a pancake? How many pancake brains could do what Heche did with David Mamet’s dialogue in Wag the Dog? No doubt Heche has been stuck with a few bad gigs, but Paglia, of all people, must … Read more

Years later Magnus would

Years later Magnus would return to London and Camille Belcourt’s side, and find it not all that he had dreamed. Years later another desperate Herondale boy with blue, blue eyes would come to his door, shaking with the cold of the rain and his own wretchedness, and this one Magnus would be able to help. … Read more

Lovely,wonderful Isabelle.Could you please

Lovely,wonderful Isabelle.Could you please go away?Now is a really bad time. Isabelle looked from Magnus to her brother,and back again. Then,you dont want me to tell you that Camille’s just escaped from the Sanctuary and my mother is demanding that you come back to the Institute right now to help them find her? No,Magnus said.I … Read more