Second-hand gloves will become

Second-hand gloves will become lovely again, their memories are what give them the need for other hands. And the desolation of lovers is the same: that enormous emptiness carved out of such tiny beings as we are asks to be filled; the need for the new love is faithfulness to the old. Galway Kinnell

Isn’t Bunson’s training evil

Isn’t Bunson’s training evil geniuses? Yes, mostly. Well, is that wise? Having a mess of seedling evil geniuses falling in love with you willy-nilly? What if they feel spurned? Ah, but in the interim, think of the lovely gifts they can make you. Monique bragged that one of her boys made her silver and wood … Read more

The Hours is in

The Hours is in fact a lovely triumph. Cunningham honors both Mrs. Dalloway and its creator with unerring sensitivity, thanks to his modesty of intention and his sovereignly affecting prose…. With his elliptical evocation of Mrs. Dalloway, he has managed to pay great but quiet tribute — reminding us of the gorgeous, ferocious beauty of … Read more

Nothing in all nature

Nothing in all nature is so lovely and so vigorous, so perfectly at home in its environment, as a fish in the sea. Its surroundings give to it a beauty, quality, and power which are not its own. We take it out, and at once a poor, limp dull thing, fit for nothing, is gasping … Read more