Just because you can

Just because you can watch half-nude women on afternoon television or gay men kissing on the streets of nearly any major city does not mean America is free, as complacent liberals might think, much less too free, as conservatives often suggest. Just because most dissidents are left alone doesn’t mean there is no police state, … Read more

For years, liberals have

For years, liberals have demonstrated a near religious devotion to the cause of ‘cleaning up elections’ with campaign finance reform, the wondrous panacea that would finally rescue our great country from corruption in politics. … How anyone could believe that corrupt politicians could or would legislate away their own corruption is completely beyond me. Anthony … Read more

I do not think

I do not think we will see a stateless society in my lifetime. But I am sure we will not see a state that conforms to the minarchists’ ideals. The closer we get, the better, but I see no reason not to aspire for the best government as Thoreau imagined it: none at all. It’s … Read more