Early on in my

Early on in my career I got a part in Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise. If I hadn’t done that I wouldn’t have met Tim Busfield and if I hadn’t met Tim Busfield, I wouldn’t have met Aaron Sorkin. So Nerds II took me straight to the White House! Bradley Whitford

I used to defend

I used to defend the West Wing show from the charge of sentimentality or wish-fulfilment, because I think if you do go into the Barack Obama White House you will find six or seven people around him who are true believers. We make these people climb this filthy rope and then we stand at the … Read more

I did not always

I did not always agree, personally, on the positions that Bartlet, character from the West Wing, took and I argued against them on many occasions. But Aaron Sorkin said, Martin, that’s you, that’s not Barlet. It’s a very political decision he has to make. I found from the very beginning that when I infused my … Read more