Looking back, it didn’t

Looking back, it didn’t even occur to me that model was a job. I wanted to go into astronomy or to be a lawyer, which is really funny because I would absolutely not be a lawyer in any way now. But I still like astronomy. Crystal Renn

There are moments in

There are moments in your life where you’re like I have arrived. I’m here and I’m living and I’m present. And working with Jean Paul Gaultier was one of them. Crystal Renn

I want to be

I want to be an actress when I’m on set, not just a model. Those are the moments I live for. Crystal Renn

We all have demons.

We all have demons. I am a human being and I have bad days and I have bad things going on in my head that I have to deal with, but I’m very confident in my recovery. Crystal Renn

Do I have bad

Do I have bad days? Absolutely. But there are ways to overcome these things and that’s perhaps what I do differently: I don’t allow myself to dwell day after day on my imperfections. Crystal Renn