We need to learn

We need to learn to listen to what the people need and want and not try to impose on them a whole schema that they may not. This is historically difficult stuff: how do we balance the project of raising consciousness, advancing a vision of utopia, with the real and honest engagement in real-world experiments? … Read more

Non-crazy gun advocates –

Non-crazy gun advocates – the ones who aren’t stockpiling in preparation for a zombie invasion – don’t like the idea of expanding background checks because they think it’ll be a lot more paperwork. And it probably would make it more difficult to sell guns at, say, a flea market. Gail Collins

Miss Tarabotti was not

Miss Tarabotti was not certain if he was objecting to the kick or the scream, so she issued both again— with interest. He seemed to be having a difficult time negotiating Alexia’s multiple layers of skirts and ruffles, which formed a particularly efficacious barrier in the tight confines of the hackney. Gail Carriger

The infant-inconvenience kicked in

The infant-inconvenience kicked in response, and Conall twitched at the sensation. “Active little pup, isn’t he?” “She,” corrected his wife. “As if any child of mine would dare be a boy.” It was a long-standing argument. “Boy,” replied Conall. “Any child as difficult as this one has been from the start must, perforce, be male.” … Read more