Some international relations scholars

Some international relations scholars would posit that interest in zombies is an indirect attempt to get a cognitive grip on what U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously referred to as the unknown knowns in international security. Perhaps, however, there also exists a genuine but publicly unacknowledged fear of the dead rising from the grave … Read more

One could dismiss the

One could dismiss the zombie trend as merely feeding a mass public that craves the strange and bizarre. Such an explanation would be only skin-deep. Popular culture often provides a window into the subliminal or unstated fears of citizens, and zombies are no exception. Some cultural commentators argue that the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks … Read more

Perhaps the old fogies

Perhaps the old fogies in the blogosphere get that way because, well, we stop taking the whole megillah so seriously. And we can’t take it seriously because, well, this isn’t our primary means of employment and never will be. Once the blogosphere is run by sufficient numbers of people who are paid to blog, us … Read more