I used to work

I used to work for an NGO called Transitions Online, and I was their Director of New Media. I was a very idealistic fellow who thought that he could use blogs, social networks and new media to help promote democracy, human rights and freedom of expression. Evgeny Morozov

As Barbara Streisand discovered,

As Barbara Streisand discovered, adopting a militaristic posture against a tech-savvy mob of civil libertarians is not going to be of much help: Many of them run their own servers and blogs – and have thousands of friends on their social networks – so overzealous attempts to silence them only lead to wider dissemination of … Read more

There is a movement

There is a movement happening, a quiet one. A low-profile, low-resolution revolution. Comprised of writers and dreamers, of guerrilla artists and thought-ninjas. Those with something to say. They communicate through text inscribed on true public spaces, rather than blogs and forums. Choosing fewer words, even without being bound by 140 character limits. Using ink instead … Read more

Fred Wilson is a

Fred Wilson is a legendary VC and the Managing Partner of Union Square Ventures in New York City. At AVC, he writes one of the most popular startup blogs and covers issues from negotiation to hiring to fundraising. He’s a machine for dispensing helpful advice and insightful commentary for those in our industry. Emerson Spartz

I also like to

I also like to use a sensational headline. Many people read blogs in aggregators, which generally show only the headline. So you have to give people a reason to click through. Blogs need to be real and personal. Reading it should be like hanging out with you. I play music for my readers. I show … Read more