I’m not a Twitter

I’m not a Twitter fan. I do it because I feel responsible to the two million people that follow me, but Twitter to me is just another thing I have do. And it’s mostly a place for people to attack and abuse you. I don’t really get much out of it, personally. I get hundreds … Read more

I’m climbing into a

I’m climbing into a vehicle that has a powerful influence on our culture. I’d like to make it do something good. The media is populated with attorneys, psychologists and pundits but there are only three physicians: me, Dr. Oz and Sanjay Gupta. We are the only MDs who practice medicine and have board certifications in … Read more

The experience we all

The experience we all share and the outcomes, which have been remarkable in a way I never could have predicted. Taking unmotivated people – maybe marginally motivated to get on TV and make money – and ending up with a group that values and is changed by the treatment process and wants to share it … Read more

You can educate people

You can educate people about politics, criminality, the law, but not about medicine? It’s just silly…. I really don’t want to hurt anybody, but to say the truth and to offer words that might be helpful in understanding what some of these conditions are. I can’t see any reason not to do that. That’s changing … Read more