Jesus Christ, as the

Jesus Christ, as the first-fruit of the Kingdom, began the work of conquering death on an individual basis, but we, as His church, will be the ones to complete the task. Jesus said (Matthew 28:18), \”all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,\” and the church today has that same power. Death … Read more

The Church has been

The Church has been foreordained of God to become that people who will become so glorified that we can bring Christ back to the earth. This glorified church must make the earth God’s footstool before Jesus can come again. Earl Paulk

Holy men of old

Holy men of old were moved upon by the Holy Spirit and the revelation given to them is God’s Word in the Holy Scriptures. Is God speaking any less today through holy men called of God to bring a message through revelation to this generation? … We wave our Bibles and cry, ‘This is the … Read more