It’s one of the

It’s one of the bases of all human existence – the relation between parents and children, whether biologically or metaphorically. It’s something we can never get away from, even in a civilization where we’re controlled by robots. It’s the basic relationship between mature people who represent paternal and maternal figures and young people. It’s universal … Read more

Like a child exploring

Like a child exploring the attic of an old house on a rainy day, discovering a trunk full of treasure and then calling all his brothers and sisters to share the find, Richard J. ‘Foster has ‘found’ the spiritual disciplines that the modern world has stored away and forgot, and has excitedly called us to … Read more

Slowly but surely I

Slowly but surely I have been soaking Rilke up these last few months: the man, his work and his life. And that is probably the only right way with literature, with study, with people or with anything else: to let it all soak in, to let it all mature slowly inside you until it has … Read more

Modern infidelity is different

Modern infidelity is different than traditional infidelity and sits on top of the romantic ideal that you find the one and that if you have everything that you need at home, you have no reason to go looking elsewhere. And if you have an affair, it’s a symptom of a flawed relationship. If you don’t … Read more