If we are to

If we are to achieve long-range goals, we must learn to set up and accomplish short-range goals that will move us along the way. If we do not consciously select our goals, we may be controlled by goals not of our own choosing – goals imposed by outside pressures (such as the expectations of others) … Read more

Diplomacy is, perhaps, one

Diplomacy is, perhaps, one element of the U.S. government that should not be subject to the demands of ‘open government’; whenever it works, it is usually because it is done behind closed doors. But this may be increasingly hard to achieve in the age of Twittering bureaucrats. Evgeny Morozov

We get off track.

We get off track. Capitalism takes us off track. You get off the real and get on the wheel. The wheel becomes the winning and losing, the succeeding and failing, the I will achieve. All that stuff becomes so preoccupying, particularly if you’re born with low self-esteem, or no sense of yourself, or even if … Read more

A balance is necessary

A balance is necessary in life. To achieve this we must move away from broad definitions of workplaces as functional and households as emotional. Similarly, home, the haven in a heartless world, as defined by men, cannot be used by them as an antidote to the workplace’s discomforts and demands, if this means having the … Read more

Of all the lessons

Of all the lessons history teaches, this one is the plainest: the person who tries to achieve ends through force is always unscrupulous and is always cruel. We should remember this in an age where morality seems to be disappearing and is being replaced by politics. Eustace Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Newcastle