We are guilty of

We are guilty of many errors and many faults, But our worst crime is abandoning the children, Neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed, His blood is being made, And his senses are being developed. To … Read more

The indications which tell

The indications which tell your dry fly angler when to strike are clear and unmistakable, but those which bid a wet fly man raise his rod-point and draw in the steel are frequently so subtle, so evanescent and impalpable to the senses, that, when the bending rod assures him that he has divined aright, he … Read more

It is immediately apparent,

It is immediately apparent, however, that this sense-world, this seemingly real external universe – though it may be useful and valid in other respects – cannot be the external world, but only the Self’s projected picture of it … The evidence of the senses, then, cannot be accepted as evidence of the nature of ultimate … Read more