The companies only developed

The companies only developed if the state did not intervene in the French fashion. If on the contrary a certain degree of economic freedom was the rule, capitalism moved in firmly and adapted itself to all administrative quirks and difficulties Fernand Braudel

Don Keough’s (CEO Coca-Cola)

Don Keough’s (CEO Coca-Cola) 11 Rules on “HOW TO LOSE”: 1. Stop taking risks 2. Be content 3. Never deviate from what the founder did 4. Be inflexible 5. Rely totally on research and experts 6. Concentrate on competitors instead of your customers 7. Put yourself – not the customer – first 8. Solve administrative … Read more

One of the concepts

One of the concepts I was having trouble illustrating was the concept that administrative systems create narrow categories of gender and force people into them in order to get their basic needs met – what I call administrative violence. I had images of forms with gender boxes and ID cards with gender markers, but I … Read more

Yet when the hour

Yet when the hour of decision arrives, it turns out that many conservatives care as little as ever about administrative skill and executive accomplishment. Our party and our movement overwhelmingly respond to symbolic cues. Sarah Palin is exciting and appealing. But what kind of executive is she? None of us have even the remotest idea. … Read more