[Michael] Chabon is arguing

[Michael] Chabon is arguing in favor of what is at the same time an old-fashioned and very forward-thinking opening up – of taking off the class associations with those labels, because we grew up, or I certainly grew up, feeling that, \”Oh, there’s literary fiction, and beneath that, there’s these other things.\” He’s actually saying … Read more

Society is not a

Society is not a mere sum of individuals. Rather, the system formed by their association represents a specific reality which has its own characteristics… The group thinks, feels, and acts quite differently from the way in which its members would were they isolated. If, then, we begin with the individual, we shall be able to … Read more

Even if every program

Even if every program were educational and every advertisement bore the seal of approval of the American Dental Association, we would still have a critical problem. It’s not just the programs but the act of watching television hour after hour after hour that’s destructive. Ellen Goodman

From the Cooperative League,

From the Cooperative League, I suppose, with the Depression lingering as long as it did, the next step in terms of, as you call it, professional relationship, was to go to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People [NAACP]. I went there as an assistant field secretary, and so forth. So, I suppose … Read more