I write poetry because

I write poetry because I can’t disobey the impulse; it would be like blocking a spring that surges up in my throat. For a long time I’ve been the servant of the song that comes, that appears and can’t be buried away. How to seal myself up now?…It no longer matters to me who receives … Read more

I just want to

I just want to continue adding walls to my craft as an artist and business man. I never want to cap off, I never want to seal it. I just want to keep adding walls and keep on going as high as it can go, but I’m never gonna be boxed in, can’t. That’s when … Read more

The Loneliness One dare

The Loneliness One dare not sound — And would as soon surmise AS in its Grave go plumbing To ascertain the size — The Loneliness whose worst alarm Is lest itself should see — And perish from before itself For just a scrutiny — The Horror not to be surveyed — But skirted in the … Read more

Even if every program

Even if every program were educational and every advertisement bore the seal of approval of the American Dental Association, we would still have a critical problem. It’s not just the programs but the act of watching television hour after hour after hour that’s destructive. Ellen Goodman

We have the power

We have the power of the Holy Cross, our holy symbol, the divine grace of Christ, only as long as we have the holy marking of the Holy Baptism, meaning we have denied the devil and sided with Christ, and received the Holy Marking, the seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Elder Paisios … Read more

Tomorrow may never come

Tomorrow may never come to us. We do not live in tomorrow. We cannot find it in any of our title-deeds. The man who owns whole blocks of real estate, and great ships on the sea, does not own a single minute of tomorrow. Tomorrow! It is a mysterious possibility, not yet born. It lies … Read more