The school is the

The school is the last expenditure upon which America should be willing to economize. Franklin D. Roosevelt

There is another ground

There is another ground of hope that must not be omitted. Let men but think over their infinite expenditure of understanding, time, and means on matters and pursuits of far less use and value; whereof, if but a small part were directed to sound and solid studies, there is no difficulty that might not be … Read more

To create an atmosphere

To create an atmosphere dedicated to present charming interiors that will attract maternity patients…to develop distinctive decoration and furnishings that can be installed at modest expenditure – and will require a minimum of maintenance costs. Dorothy Draper

The physiological law of

The physiological law of Transfer of Energy is the basis of human success and happiness. There is no action without expenditure of energy, and if energy be not expended the power to generate it is lost. This law shows itself in a thousand ways in the life of man. The arm which is not used … Read more

Meanwhile, the U.S. debt

Meanwhile, the U.S. debt remains, as it has been since 1790, a war debt; the United States continues to spend more on its military than do all other nations on earth put together, and military expenditures are not only the basis of the government’s industrial policy; they also take up such a huge proportion of … Read more