Good teaching is one-fourth

Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths pure theatre. Gail Godwin

Education… has produced a

Education… has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. G. M. Trevelyan

Real education must ultimately

Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding. Ezra Pound

Children have to be

Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves. Ernest Dimnet

Why should society feel

Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children, and not for the education of all adults of every age? Erich Fromm

No one has yet

No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure. Emma Goldman

The object of teaching

The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher. Elbert Hubbard

Education is a better

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. Edward Everett

It is easier to

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglass

The school is the

The school is the last expenditure upon which America should be willing to economize. Franklin D. Roosevelt