The trajectory of my

The trajectory of my writing has moved further and further away from autobiography. My first stories in Confessions of a Falling Woman worked familiar territory – places I had lived, people I knew, my life as an actor in New York – and many were prompted by or grounded in personal experience. Debra Dean

In Sliding Doors, the

In Sliding Doors, the whole idea is that every choice you make, and every single thing that happens to you changes the trajectory of your life, and once you are put on that trajectory, there is no way back. But Groundhog Day – which, I tell him, also happens to be a much better movie … Read more

A wonderful, warm, positive

A wonderful, warm, positive individual who exhibits the values that are prerequisite to a significant faculty post in higher education, I think that it is an absolutely extraordinary and bold career move that Darwin has made in leaving the Orchestra and embarking on the trajectory of a solo performer/educator. And what a marvelous thing it … Read more

Martina Navratilova said in

Martina Navratilova said in the early ’90s that Seles would inspire the players of the future to also use two-handed forehands. That didn’t happen, but she is responsible for the all-out aggression with which most of the top players play. All the low trajectory shots hit with just moderate amounts of spin and traveling into … Read more

Why isn’t it fun

Why isn’t it fun to watch a videotape of last night’s football game even when we don’t know who won? Because the fact that the game has already been played precludes the possibility that our cheering will somehow penetrate the television, travel through the cable system, find its way to the stadium, and influence the … Read more

Biblical theology refers to

Biblical theology refers to something more precise than theology that is faithful to the Bible. It might be helpful to draw a contrast: at the risk of oversimplification, systematic theology tends to organize theology topically and with an eye cast on its contemporary relevance, while biblical theology tends to organize the same biblical material so … Read more