She can’t afford to

She can’t afford to commit more troops,’ Holly whispered. ‘The gate is her priority, and she needs to have as many Berserkers watching her back as possible. We are secondary at this point.’ ‘That will be her undoing,’ Artemis gasped, already suffering under the weight of the flak jacket. ‘Artemis Fowl will never be secondary.’ … Read more

We cannot simply speak

We cannot simply speak out against an escalation of troops in Iraq, we must act to prevent it… There can be no doubt that the Constitution gives Congress the authority to decide whether to fund military action, and Congress can demand a justification from the president for such action before it appropriates the funds to … Read more

The triumph of the

The triumph of the Romans was indeed sullied by their treatment of the captive king, whom they hung on a gibbet without the knowledge of their indignant general. This disgraceful act of cruelty which might be imputed to the fury of the troops, was followed by the deliberate murder of Withicab, the son of Vadomair; … Read more