I believe in the

I believe in the pursuit of happiness. Not its attainment, nor its final definition, but its pursuit. I believe in the journey, not the arrival; in conversation, not monologues; in multiple questions rather than any single answer. I believe in the struggle to remake ourselves and challenge each other in the spirit of eternal forgiveness, … Read more

Leif’s frown eased and

Leif’s frown eased and he slid his finger under my chin and gently caressed my jaw line with the pad of his thumb. Pagan,will you do me the honor of being my date for Homecoming Dance?The prospect of not being able to hold you in my arms all night is heartbreaking. Mirand sighed from across the table. Okay,that was beautiful.Why didn’t you ask me like that?she asked Wyatt. Wyatt shot Leif an annoyed frown. Thanks,buddy.Next time you decide to break out your romantic side,could you do it alone?
Abbi Glines

Baseball is about homecoming.

Baseball is about homecoming. It is a journey by theft and strength, guile and speed, out around first to the far island of second, where foes lurk in the reefs and the green sea suddenly grows deeper, then to turn sharply, skimming the shallows, making for a shore that will show a friendly face, a color, a familiar language and, at third, to proceed, no longer by paths indirect but straight, to home.
A. Bartlett Giamatti