One of the biggest

One of the biggest mistakes a photographer can make is to look at the real world and cling to the vain hope that next time his film will somehow bear a closer resemblance to it…If we limit our vision to the real world, we will forever be fighting on the minus side of things, working … Read more

Most bullies are the

Most bullies are the product of a stressful and often abusive home life. Next time a bully threatens or attacks you, just yell, ‘Don’t abuse me like your parents abuse you!’ Then call children’s services and tell them you saw this bully crying in the bathroom and you’re worried about him. Bam! He just got … Read more

If there is something

If there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress. Ask yourself, What’s the worst thing that would happen if I didn’t do this? And if you can get away with not doing it at all, don’t do it. And then imagine what would it feel like to … Read more

The next time you

The next time you feel slightly uncomfortable with the pressure in your life, remember no pressure, no diamonds. Pressure is a part of success. Eric Thomas